Colección: Decanter Recommends Bottle Stickers

The Decanter guarantee for wine recommendations

Trusted, Independent, Expert Recommendations.  

Wines recommended by Decanter are scored by expert tasters experienced in that category of wine. Our experts taste and score wines individually to award your wine the most accurate overall rating.

Criteria - any wine which has received a score and tasting note from Decanter is eligible to use 'Decanter Recommends' stickers on their bottles for the appropriate score. This includes if the wine has been tasted/scored in the magazine, on or via Decanter Premium. 

The only exception is if the wine has been reviewed and rated in a Panel Tasting - which a Panel Tasting bottle sticker must be purchased here rather than a Decanter Recommends bottle sticker.


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El precio más alto es £55.00


15 productos